Types & 4 Points To Remember About Arthritis

If you feel pain and stiffness in your body or have trouble moving around, you might have arthritis. Most kinds of arthritis cause pain and swelling in your joints. Joints are places where two bones meet, such as your elbow or knee. Over time, a swollen joint can become severely damaged. Some kinds of arthritis can also cause problems in your organs, such as your eyes or skin. Jay Harold has written this post, “Types & 4 Points To Remember About Arthritis, “to highlight a disease more than 1 in 4 adults with arthritis report severe joint pain.

The impact of arthritis on individuals is significant. About 43.5% (23.7 million) of the 54.4 million adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis have limitations in their usual activities due to their arthritis.

Arthritis is Hard on Black People!

African-Americans with arthritis are in a bad situation. Arthritis is much more common3 among people who have other chronic conditions. About half of US adults with heart disease (49%) or diabetes (47%) also have arthritis. Also, 44% of those with high blood pressure and 31% of those who are obese have arthritis. Having arthritis in addition to other chronic conditions can reduce the quality of life and make disease management more difficult. Black People certainly have reasons to be concerned about arthritis.

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Types of arthritis include:

    • Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It’s often related to aging or to an injury.
    • Autoimmune arthritis happens when your body’s immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of this kind of arthritis.
    • Juvenile arthritis is a type of arthritis that happens in children.
    • Infectious arthritis is an infection that has spread from another part of the body to the joint.
    • Psoriatic arthritis affects people with psoriasis.
    • Gout is a painful type of arthritis that happens when too much uric acid builds up in the body. It often starts in the big toe.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

What is ankylosing spondylitis? It is arthritis that affects the spine, usually producing redness, heat, swelling, and pain in the spine where it joins the pelvis.


What is arthritis? It is joint inflammation and though it is a symptom rather than a diagnosis, the term is often used to refer to any disorder affecting the joints.

Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases

Arthritis is often used to refer to any disorder that affects the joints. Rheumatic diseases usually affect joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles.

Autoimmune Diseases

What are autoimmune diseases? These diseases occur when your immune cells attack your body by mistake. These diseases can affect almost any part of the body.

Autoinflammatory Diseases

What are auto-inflammatory diseases? They cause your immune cells to attack your body by mistake and can cause fever, rash, joint swelling, and more.

Behçet’s Disease

What is Behçet’s disease? It is a chronic condition that causes mouth or genital sores, and inflammation in parts of the eye.


What is bursitis? It is a common condition that causes swelling and pain around muscles and bones.

Giant Cell Arteritis

What is giant cell arteritis? It causes arteries in the scalp and neck to become red, hot, swollen, or painful. Arteries most affected are those in the temples.


What is gout? It is a kind of arthritis that causes painful and stiff joints. Gout is caused by the build-up of crystals of uric acid in your joints.

Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery removes damaged or diseased parts of a hip joint and replaces them with new, man-made parts.

Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery removes damaged or diseased parts of a joint and replaces them with new, man-made parts. 

Juvenile Arthritis

What is juvenile arthritis? It is the term used to describe arthritis in children. Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the joints.

Knee Problems

Knee problems happen when you injure or develop disease in your knee and it can’t do its job.


Lupus happens when the body’s defense system attacks healthy cells and tissues, instead of viruses and bacteria. This can damage many parts of the body.


What is osteoarthritis? It damages the slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones, causing bones to rub together, producing pain, swelling, and loss of motion.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica

What is polymyalgia rheumatica? It causes muscle pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulder, and hip, and can be accompanied by fever, weakness, and weight loss.

Psoriatic Arthritis

What is psoriatic arthritis? It can occur in people who have psoriasis (scaly red and white patches). It affects the joints and areas where tissues attach to bone.

Reactive Arthritis

What is reactive arthritis? It is caused by an infection and results in joint pain and swelling. You may also have red, swollen eyes and a swollen urinary tract.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is rheumatoid arthritis? It is a disease that affects multiple joints, resulting in pain, swelling, and stiffness. Tiredness and fever may also be present.


What is scleroderma? It is a group of diseases causing patches of tight, hard skin. Some forms of scleroderma also damage your blood vessels and internal organs.

Shoulder Problems

Most shoulder problems happen when soft tissues in the shoulder region break down. The various causes and symptoms depend on the type of shoulder problem.

Sjögren’s Syndrome

What is Sjögren’s syndrome? It is a disease that affects the glands that make moisture. It most often causes dryness in the mouth and eyes.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus)

What is lupus? It is a disease where the body’s defense system attacks healthy cells and tissues, causing damage to many parts of the body.


What is tendinitis? It is swelling and pain in a joint usually caused by repeated injuries to a tendon, the part of the joint that connects muscles to bones.

Types & 4 Points To Remember About Arthritis

4 Points To Remember About Arthritis

  1. “Arthritis” means joint inflammation. Although joint inflammation is a symptom or sign rather than a specific diagnosis, the term arthritis is often used to refer to any disorder that affects the joints.
  2. There are many types of arthritis, including ankylosing spondylitis, gout, juvenile arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Medications and surgery can treat arthritis. 
  4. Activities that can help reduce symptoms at home include exercise; hot and cold therapies; relaxation therapies; splints and braces; and assistive devices. 

Jay Harold hopes you enjoyed this post, “Types & 4 Points To Remember About Arthritis”. Please Share it and read more about Jay Harold here.  Please take this advice from  Muhammad Ali and give back to others. “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”


  1. https://medlineplus.gov/arthritis.html
  2. https://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/data_statistics/national-statistics.html
  3. https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/arthritis.htm?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fchronicdisease%2Fresources%2Fpublications%2Faag%2Farthritis.htm
  4. https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/arthritis-and-rheumatic-diseases
  5. https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/arthritis

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