A stylish fusion of Brazilian smooth jazz, “Brazil Christmas Time,” allows you to relax and reflect upon a long year. Morgan Bouldin (www.MorganBouldin.com) has provided the music, and Jay Harold produced the video for your enjoyment.
Brazil1 is home to a surfeit of mixed cultures and a diverse population. Since Christmas is regarded as one of the most important festivals around the world; the Brazilian ethos is also influenced by the festivities of the West. People in Brazil, have now adopted Christmas as their own festival, tweaking the rituals and customs for more distinctiveness. Celebrated on the 25th December, Christmas is awaited every year and is celebrated with reverence. It is also considered ‘Dia de fiestas,’ which means, the mother of all festivals.
With multifarious customs and rituals, Christmas in Brazil is in fact, very unique and extremely traditional, though the source of this festival was inspired and influenced by immigrants and foreigners. Common customs include creating nativity scenes, also known as ‘Presepio,’ and enjoying folk plays based on the shepherds, known as ‘Los Pastores.’ Children eagerly wait for ‘Papai Noel’ to bring them gifts every year.
Brazil has the largest population of Black People in the Western Hemisphere. The Guardian Newspaper2 reports for the first time since records began black and mixed race people form the majority of Brazil’s population, the country’s latest census has confirmed.
Preliminary results from the 2010 census, released on Wednesday, show that 97 million Brazilians, or 50.7% of the population, now define themselves as black or mixed race, compared with 91 million or 47.7% who label themselves white.

People in Brazil, have now adopted Christmas as their own festival.
The proportion of Brazilians declaring themselves white was down from 53.7% in 2000 when Brazil’s last census was held. Americans should make the time to learn more about this important country. Its cultural influence and economic power will only grow in the future.
Jay Harold has another music video, “Tudo Bem,” highlighting Brazil.
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