You are a very important person! The daily grind takes a toll on you. The years of physical and mental stress causes untold damage. Jay Harold wants to help you live a better and more productive life. Here are some healthcare resource links to help Improve Your Life.
Jay Harold has put together a list of relevant and helpful websites that you may find useful when trying to improve your health and wealth. Please let us know if you have any suggested additions to this page. We are continually trying to improve the information we offer to our community.
Jay Harold is a member of the American Pharmacist Association and the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists. I have worked in all areas of pharmacy; retail, hospital and mail order, trying to help people improve their health. Jay Harold has completed the American Pharmacist Association’s “Pharmacist & Patient-Centered Diabetes Care” certificate training program. Jay Harold is also certified by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (“NCTRCA”) as a Minority Business Enterprise (“MBE”) business owner.
Covid-19 Resources from the CDC
How to protect yourself and what to you if you are sick.
National Institute on Aging
Get research-based information on aging and senior health and wellbeing. English and Spanish. For older adults.
Social Security
A good starting point for all government benefits.
Mental Health
A good starting point for all government healthcare benefits.
Heart Disease/What You Can Do
MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.
Lab Test Information
Learn about your laboratory tests, including what the lab test is used for, why your doctor ordered it, how the test will feel, and what the results may mean.
Health Information from the Government
Find a wealth of online healthcare information: Use the Medline Plus search tool to answer your medical questions, find information for seniors and Native Americans, visit sites on issues like Alzheimer’s, vaccines, and rare diseases, discover caregiver support resources.

The Thyroid Gland hormones control the rate of many activities in your body. MedlinePlus can provide answers to many healthcare questions.
Hardin MD
A high-quality medical picture gallery from the University of Iowa. Images of diseases such as AIDS, Lupus, Skin Rash and more can be found here.
10 Questions to Ask your Doctor
A simple question can help you feel better, let you take better care of yourself, or save your life. The questions below can get you started. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provided this information.
Heart Age Predictor Using BMI
The Heart Age Calculator is meant to be used by individuals 30 to 74 years old who have no history of cardiovascular disease (e.g., heart attack, stroke, peripheral artery disease, or heart failure).
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Jay Harold has completed the American Pharmacist Association’s “Pharmacist & Patient-Centered Diabetes Care” certificate training program. Jay Harold is also certified by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (“NCTRCA”) as a Minority Business Enterprise (“MBE”) business owner.