Federal Dollars for HIV/AIDS: More $$$$

Jay Harold recently published a post, ” HIV: 5 Facts Black People Should Know.” The post talks about the toll of HIV/AIDS on the African-American community. This post provides additional information on the financial aspects of HIV/AIDS. Here is a fact about HIV/AIDS and African-Americans 1 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

  1. African-Americans accounted for an estimated 44% of all new HIV infections among adults and adolescents (aged 13 years or older) in 2010. African-Americans represent only 12% of the US population; considering the smaller size of the African-American population in the United States. Black people have a population rate that is 8 times that of whites overall.

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This fact causes tremendous concern among black people. Many people believe that resources are not allocated in areas that benefit minorities. Does anyone truly care?

What’s Being Done to Help?

The United States Government has significantly increased the funding for HIV/AIDS over the last six years. The funding rose from 26.2 billion dollars in the fiscal year 2010 to 30.7 billion dollars2 in the fiscal year 2015. The government is indeed increasing funding while the number of African-Americans with HIV/AIDS is growing!

Federal Dollars for HIV/AIDS: More $$$$

Black Men accounted for 70% of all new HIV infections among African-Americans.

The federal HIV budget is organized into five broad categories: care & treatment; cash & housing assistance; prevention; research; and global/international.  The first four categories are for domestic programs only.  More than half (58%) of the FY 2016 request is for care and treatment programs in the U.S. 10% of the budget is for domestic cash/housing assistance; 3% is for domestic HIV prevention. The budget also contains 9% is for domestic HIV research; and 20% is for the global epidemic, including funding for international research. While 30 billion dollars is major money,  it represents just a small fraction (<1%) of the overall federal budget of the United States.

Jay Harold knows how difficult the management of HIV/AIDS can be. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You must do the things you think you cannot do.”
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  1. http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/racialethnic/africanamericans/
  2. http://kff.org/global-health-policy/fact-sheet/u-s-federal-funding-for-hivaids-the-presidents-fy-2016-budget-request/


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